Important! The information provided in this section is for general Troubleshooting guidance only. The information is provided on "AS IS" basis, with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy or timeliness, and without warranty or representations of any kind, expressed or implied. In no event will CloudEndure and/or its subsidiaries and/or their employees or service providers be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information provided above or for any direct, indirect, consequential, special or similar damages (including any kind of loss), even if advised of the possibility of such damages. CloudEndure is not responsible for the update, validation or support of troubleshooting information.
The CloudEndure AgentThe Agent is a software program that is installed on machines in the Source location that need to be migrated or replicated to the Target location. performs an initial block-level read of the content of any volume attached to the server and replicates it to the Replication ServerThe CloudEndure Machine to which Staging Disks are attached and to which data is replicated; launched on the Target location.. The AgentThe Agent is a software program that is installed on machines in the Source location that need to be migrated or replicated to the Target location. then acts as an OS-level read filter to capture writes and synchronizes any block level modifications to the CloudEndure Replication ServerThe CloudEndure Machine to which Staging Disks are attached and to which data is replicated; launched on the Target location., ensuring near-zero RPOA metric indicating of the amount of data at risk of being lost. Determined by the amount of time between data protection events and reflects the amount of data that potentially could be lost during a disaster recovery. The maximum targeted period in which data might be lost from an IT service due to a major incident..
The CloudEndure AgentThe Agent is a software program that is installed on machines in the Source location that need to be migrated or replicated to the Target location. sends the following types of information to the CloudEndure Service ManagerThe CloudEndure server.:
When an AgentThe Agent is a software program that is installed on machines in the Source location that need to be migrated or replicated to the Target location. is installed on a Source machineThe computer, physical or virtual machine that needs to be protected by replication (Disaster Recovery) or migrated (Migration) The CloudEndure Agent is installed on the Source machine., it collects the following information on the machineA physical or virtual computer.:
Yes. The proxy is configured using an environment variable prior to the install.
For example: https_proxy=
Make sure the proxy has a trailing forward slash.
Ensure that you have whitelisted for both SSL Interception and Authentication.
The installation requirements for SourceThe location of the Source machine; Currently either a specific Region or Other Infrastructure. machines depend on the type of OS that the machineA physical or virtual computer. runs – either Linux or Windows.
Free disk space
Note: CloudEndure does not support Paravirtualized Source machines.
Note: CloudEndure supports multipath.
To install AgentsThe Agent is a software program that is installed on machines in the Source location that need to be migrated or replicated to the Target location. on machines with Linux OS, verify the following:
df -h /
directory – for the duration of the installation process only, verify that you have at least 500 MB of free disk on the /tmp
directory. To check the available disk space on the /tmp directory run the following command: df -h /tmp
is mounted as read+write./tmp is mounted with the exec
option. Verify that the /tmp directory is mounted in a way that allows you to run scripts and applications from it.
To verify that the /tmp
directory is mounted without the noexec
option, run the following command: sudo mount | grep '/tmp'
If the result is similar to the following example, it means that the issue exits in your OS: /dev/xvda1 on /tmp type ext4 (rw,noexec)
|To fix and remove the noexec
option from the mounted /tmp
directory, run the following command: sudo mount -o remount,exec /tmp
The following example illustrates the troubleshooting procedure:
package is installed. If not, install the package. (run yum install dhclient i
n CMD)Verify that you have kernel-devel/linux-headers
installed that are exactly of the same version as the kernel you are running.
The version number of the kernel headers should be completely identical to the version number of the kernel.
To install AgentsThe Agent is a software program that is installed on machines in the Source location that need to be migrated or replicated to the Target location. on machines with Windows OS, verify the following:
The AgentThe Agent is a software program that is installed on machines in the Source location that need to be migrated or replicated to the Target location. utilizes TCP Port 443 to communicate to the CloudEndure Service ManagerThe CloudEndure server. and TCP Port 1500 for replication to the TargetThe location where the Replication Server will be located and where Target machines will be created (as a result of Test, Cutover or Recovery)..
The CloudEndure AgentThe Agent is a software program that is installed on machines in the Source location that need to be migrated or replicated to the Target location. can be installed using standard software distribution tools. The install is silent and does not require a reboot.
For Windows you can use the following command line:
installer_win.exe --no-prompt -t INSTALLATION_TOKEN
In PowerShell, running remote commands using Invoke-Command does will not accept the parameters provided. The parameter need to be passed in the following method:
$arguments = @("--no-prompt", "-u $using:cloudEndureLoginId", "-p $using:cloudEndurePassword")
start-process "C:\CloudEndure\installer_win.exe" -ArgumentList $arguments
For Linux use the following:
Usage: cloudendure_installer [options]
Devices to protect
Example of an unattended installation:
sudo python --no-prompt -t INSTALLATION_TOKEN
The CloudEndure AgentThe Agent is a software program that is installed on machines in the Source location that need to be migrated or replicated to the Target location. is lightweight and non-disruptive. The agentThe Agent is a software program that is installed on machines in the Source location that need to be migrated or replicated to the Target location. utilizes approximately 5% CPU and 250MB of RAM.
CloudEndure only supports the replication of full machines. Nevertheless, CloudEndure replicates on a server level and therefore any containers within the selected machines will be replicated.
No. The CloudEndure AgentThe Agent is a software program that is installed on machines in the Source location that need to be migrated or replicated to the Target location. can only be installed with a valid machineA physical or virtual computer. license.
CloudEndure does not write any cache or do any sort of journaling to disk. The AgentThe Agent is a software program that is installed on machines in the Source location that need to be migrated or replicated to the Target location. holds a buffer which is large enough to map all volume's blocks ~250MB in memory.
The AgentThe Agent is a software program that is installed on machines in the Source location that need to be migrated or replicated to the Target location. then acts as a sort of write filter and will replicate changed blocks directly from memory to the Replication ServerThe CloudEndure Machine to which Staging Disks are attached and to which data is replicated; launched on the Target location.. In cases where the data no longer in memory, the AgentThe Agent is a software program that is installed on machines in the Source location that need to be migrated or replicated to the Target location. will read the block from the volume directly. This is the case where you may see backlogAccumulation over time of changes in a Source machine, which are waiting to be replicated to the Target location. in the ClloudEndure User ConsoleCloudEndure SaaS User Interface. A web-based UI for setting up, managing, and monitoring the Migration and Disaster Recovery solutions.. The cause of this is the volume of change is greater than the bandwidth available.
All communication is encrypted using SSL. In addition, each AgentThe Agent is a software program that is installed on machines in the Source location that need to be migrated or replicated to the Target location. is assigned a key during installation which is used to encrypt all traffic. All keys are unique and are not shared across multiple AgentsThe Agent is a software program that is installed on machines in the Source location that need to be migrated or replicated to the Target location..
Restart the service called CloudEndureService
No. The CloudEndure AgentThe Agent is a software program that is installed on machines in the Source location that need to be migrated or replicated to the Target location. can only utilize TCP Port 1500 for replication.
64 bit Windows
Copy the c:\Program Files (x86)\CloudEndure\dist
folder somewhere
From the new location, run: install_agent_windows.exe --remove
32 bit Windows
Copy the c:\Program Files\CloudEndure\dis
t folder somewhere
From the new location, run: install_agent_windows.exe --remove
(Run as root
or with sudo
cd /var/lib/cloudendure
/var/lib/cloudendure/install_agent --remove
Note that on a Linux machineA physical or virtual computer., the Cloudendure user and the Cloudendure group that have been created by CloudEndure during installation may not be removed automatically. Make sure to remove those as well, if needed.
Typically, you need to reinstall the AgentThe Agent is a software program that is installed on machines in the Source location that need to be migrated or replicated to the Target location. after any major upgrade to the Source machineThe computer, physical or virtual machine that needs to be protected by replication (Disaster Recovery) or migrated (Migration) The CloudEndure Agent is installed on the Source machine..
Note: It may take up to 5 minutes for the upgrade to process after re-installation.
Note: CloudEndure Agent services will automatically identify any disk changes.
Note: The CloudEndure Agent will automatically detect any newly added disks (as long as the Agent was installed with the automatic disk detection functionality.)
The agentThe Agent is a software program that is installed on machines in the Source location that need to be migrated or replicated to the Target location. log can be found in either:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudendure\agent.log.0
The CloudEndure AgentThe Agent is a software program that is installed on machines in the Source location that need to be migrated or replicated to the Target location. opens up to five connections and will attempt to maximize available bandwidth.
Throttling can be enabled by selecting the specific machineA physical or virtual computer. and selecting the NETWORK tab in the CloudEndure User ConsoleCloudEndure SaaS User Interface. A web-based UI for setting up, managing, and monitoring the Migration and Disaster Recovery solutions..
You can download the AgentThe Agent is a software program that is installed on machines in the Source location that need to be migrated or replicated to the Target location. file by using the following powershell command:
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("<URL>","<TARGET_LOCATION>")
The AgentThe Agent is a software program that is installed on machines in the Source location that need to be migrated or replicated to the Target location. can replicate up to 50 disks from a single machineA physical or virtual computer..
Yes, as long as the automatic disk detection functionality is enabled during installation.
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