The Migration Process Workflow

Following the successful launch of AWS Application Migration (MGN), we plan to start restricting the CloudEndure MigrationThe CloudEndure solution that allows you to move data, applications, and other business elements from an onsite network or a cloud environment to another physical location or cloud environment. service starting June 30, 2022. Learn more.

The general process is:

  1. Install the CloudEndure AgentThe Agent is a software program that is installed on machines in the Source location that need to be migrated or replicated to the Target location. on the Source machineThe computer, physical or virtual machine that needs to be protected by replication (Disaster Recovery) or migrated (Migration) The CloudEndure Agent is installed on the Source machine..
  2. Start replication if installed with the --no-replication flag.
  3. Wait until Initial Sync is finished.
  4. Launch a Target machineThe Machine created during Test, Cutover or Recovery. in TestThe same for Migration and Disaster Recovery. A process that is initiated manually. Launches Target machines on the Target location, and marks the tested machines on the Console as ready for Live Migration/Disaster Recovery. It is recommended to initiate a Test after the initial replication is completed. When a Test is initiated, an updated snapshot is created on the Staging Aaea. From this snapshot, a disk is created. Mode.
  5. Perform acceptance tests on the machineA physical or virtual computer., once the Target machineThe Machine created during Test, Cutover or Recovery. is tested successfully, delete it.
  6. Wait for the CutoverThe process of transitioning from one system to a replacement system. window.
  7. Confirm that the LagA delay between the changes that occur on the Source and the replication of that changes to the Target. Lag appears when replication does not occur for a certain period of time. is None.
  8. Stop all operational services on the Source machineThe computer, physical or virtual machine that needs to be protected by replication (Disaster Recovery) or migrated (Migration) The CloudEndure Agent is installed on the Source machine..
  9. Launch a Target machineThe Machine created during Test, Cutover or Recovery. in CutoverThe process of transitioning from one system to a replacement system. Mode.
  10. Confirm that the Target machineThe Machine created during Test, Cutover or Recovery. was launched successfully.
  11. Remove SourceThe location of the Source machine; Currently either a specific Region or Other Infrastructure. machines from the Console after the CutoverThe process of transitioning from one system to a replacement system. has been completed in order to clean up the Staging AreaA part of the Target location; includes the Replication Servers’ subnet, IPs, and the Replication Servers and their disks., reduce costs, and remove no longer needed replication resources.

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